10 Flops From The #LASUChoiceAwards2016

10 Flops From The #LASUChoiceAwards2016

The maiden edition of Lagos State University Choice Award went down on Thursday 1st of September, 2016 at the University Main Auditorium. Students, Staff, Guests and many more graced the event.

However, amidst the glamor and pageantry, there were various loop holes which were noticeable to the students, guest, and perhaps the organizers too.

BlackBox Nigeria brings you ten flops as discussed among guests at the LASU Choice Awards…

1. While the turn out was impressive, a whole lot of students still stunned the event. This might however be attributed to the upcoming examinations or was it lack of proper publicity?

2. Late kick off of the show. Due to lags caused by hall decorators, the DJ, and some other backend planners, the award ceremony suffered a late kick off as it program was not commenced at 12pm that was earlier scheduled. While decoration of the hall started late, the sound technicians also had technical issues before eventually setting up properly.

3. Epileptic appearance of the DJ at the beginning of the event, as he was seen moving around trying to sort out things in readiness of the show.

4. The award ceremony also had it fair share of poor power supply. Although this was not expected from the handlers of the auditorium, but it happened anyway. The imbalance and instability of power in the institution, or wrong handling of the power house of generating set for the event also was a flop that could have been avoided.

5. Promised popular artists failed to show up and words were not rendered in that regard. Invited guests and students were hopeful of see the likes of  Dremo, Small doctor,Que peller, Mayourkun, as promised by the organisers during the publicity period. Their absence however brewed comments from all seated guests as the displeasure was seen all over their faces when the curtain was about to be drawn on the event.

6. Just like above, some top dignitaries that were scheduled for the event also missed it, with some not been represented till the end of the event. The non appearances of the Governor Of Lagos State, Akinwunmi Ambode and Desmond Elliot, Jide Alabi and the Vice Chancellor Of Prof. Olarenwaju Fagbohun (he was ably represented). This could have because of the tight schedules of these personalities. In the course of BBN report, we reliably gathered that the VC had a surprise visit of an Honourable member of the House Of Representatives, Hon. Jimi Benson(Ikorodu APC), an Alumni of the institution same day, and hence had a crucial meeting which made him miss the award program.

7. The restrictions of refreshments at the venue was a total negative move that did not go down well with students as most of them had to part ways with refreshments they planned to thrill themselves with at the entrance of the hall.

8 Despite the lateness caused by the technical team, there were still lags as the show was ongoing. Little flaws were apparently noticed but the fun and some glamour did cover up for through out the program.

9. The award ceremony ended with some awardees not been called to receive their plaques. It was not known if they were actually on present or they were presented the award at the backstage.

10. Poor Stage management by the hosts of the event: This was experienced due to the fact the the hosts were not provided all necessary material to take over the event or perhaps this came as a result of pressure which came into fore caused by the late kick-off.

When BBN interacted with good number of invited guests and students, they were delighted with the award ceremony and almost ignored the flaws, stating the event as an eye-opener for subsequent ones and indeed gave kudos. Guests also called on the organizers to specifically look into the loopholes witnessed during the event and treat it against coming years.

A Learner

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